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Handmade by Blazer Bear

Armed Forces Day

Posted on July 5, 2013 By Blazer Bear

Saturday 29th June was Armed Forces Day. This day provided an opportunity to firstly raise public awareness of the contribution made by those who serve in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and it gave the nation an opportunity to show support for the men and woman who make up the Armed Forces community; whether it be currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.

At the beginning of June we were contacted by a Corporal from RAF Coningsby with the possibility to making a Bear for the troops to take on tour with them. We were delighted they liked our bears and happily offered to make them a complimentary bear from their uniform.

Unfortunately due to our first mailing bag not arriving, we didn’t get the uniform in time for RAF Blazer Bear to be present for Armed Forces Day. However we built him as quickly as possible, complete with sewing the 6 (some very elaborate) badges on his front and back and we were delighted to hear that he arrived safely and is ready to go on tour with them.

Thousands of people all over the country celebrated the commitment, dedication and courage of the armed forces, at more than 300 events to mark the fifth annual Armed Forced Day.

We were so honoured to make our RAF Blazer Bear and would happily make one for the Army and Navy too. Please do be in touch if you are (or know someone special to you) in the Navy or Army and would like a Blazer Bear made from your uniform – our bears are said to really bring a smile to your face  .

How did it start?

tplFriends since their first children were born, Pru and Kathy are two mums whose children are now at secondary school. As a special keepsake Pru made each of her children a teddy bear out of their old school Blazers. Kathy loved the concept so they joined forces and Blazer Bear. was born.  Find out more

How does it work?

Whether it be a blazer, school uniform, rugby shirts, precious clothing babygros, the list is endless. Everything is lovingly handcrafted entirely from what you give us. If it is a group school order you are after, we can often source the fabrics and even incorporate a school emblem Find out 

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