Posted on June 30, 2014 By Blazer Bear
We have absolutely loved making some gorgeous Girl Guide keepsake bears. When we were first contacted by the customer she did not have any uniform, simply the badges and one old shirt. The solution was to purchase the cotton in the same colour and create a bear from this material. To ensure strength and structure we lined the material once the pattern was cut and proceeded to make two keepsake bears. We used the old shirt for ears and paws to add a little contrast and added the neckerchief and woggle to complete the look!
The badges all had to be placed in a specific order, which the customer very kindly drew a plan of for us! We all remember being in the Brownies, and even remember being pack leader. However. I don’t think any of us can clain to have achieved so many badges! We have previously made scout and brownie keepsake bears again from original uniform or similar material. We have noticed so many different types of uniform depending on the era it was worn. The original guide uniform was a blue skirt and stockings with a jumper and neckerchief in the guide groups’ colour.
We made a Scout keepsake bear from 1977 and a special keepsake for a much loved Brown Owl who was stepping down from the more up to date sweatshirt and fleece. In 1990 designer Jeff banks launched a new Guide uniform and in 1998 jeans became an official part of the uniform.It has to be said definitely more practical for many acitivities!
The Brownies, Rainbows and Scouts have all gone through a similar modernization! The movement began in 1909 when a group of girls turned up a boy only Scout meeting. Today there are currently 10 million people involved in guiding in 144 countries. It is a fantastic organization, which is not only fun but teaches invaluable life skills. I was looking at the different badges and realized that apart from a few added badges such as the computer badge (which was not around in the 80’s – yikes showing my age) the skills achieved then are still very relevant today!
Friends since their first children were born, Pru and Kathy are two mums whose children are now at secondary school. As a special keepsake Pru made each of her children a teddy bear out of their old school Blazers. Kathy loved the concept so they joined forces and Blazer Bear. was born. Find out more
Whether it be a blazer, school uniform, rugby shirts, precious clothing babygros, the list is endless. Everything is lovingly handcrafted entirely from what you give us. If it is a group school order you are after, we can often source the fabrics and even incorporate a school emblem Find out