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Handmade by Blazer Bear

Keepsake bears meet Theo Paphitas

Posted on December 17, 2013 By Blazer Bear

Keepsake bears meet Theo Paphitas

Every Sunday evening Theo Paphitas choses 6 small businesses that he likes to win his Small Business Sunday #sbs on Twitter. He retweets, adds them to his twitter and then you become part of the #sbs winners club. Earlier this year this is exactly what happened to Blazer Bear with our keepsake bears! It was so exciting and helped us to connect to lots more customers and businesses.

Two weeks ago we made our way up to Birmingham for the winners event 2013 and took some keepsake bears with us! They even had a seat on the train.BaJpMQmIYAAldq7.jpg-largeWhen we arrived we made our way to the Birmingham ICC centre and walked into a room full of other #sbs winners, experts from Rymans and various businesses including Dragon Den winners. It was a little daunting at first but having grabbed a plate of delicious nibbles and having nearly demolished a stack of tea cups (emabbarssing) we started to mingle! It was great chatting to fellow winners, finding out about their experiences and asking experts for advice. As all our keepsake bears are handmade and bespoke one of our priorities is to keep a tight hold on the quality and make sure each precious bear is personalised to the customers wishes. This is our USP as our keepsake bears represent and recycle all aspects of special clothing



It was then time for the main event. The Managing Director of Ryman introduced Theo Paphitas who came on with lots of enthusiastic cheers and whoops! He spoke to us about his vision for #sbs and its winners and was motivating and really inspiring…oh and funny! He was really generous with his time asking so many questions, however random, and going way past the cut off time. He also announced the very exciting ideas for the future such as linking with experts and companies who could help our businesses. Not forgetting the launch of #SBS Angels. It is a little like Dragons Den but exclusively for #SBS winners. We can apply to pitch our business to a panel made up of successful Dragon Den winners to win an investment of £50,000!! We will be trying our luck in the New Year.

Finally we got our chance together with our keepsake bears to meet Theo Paphitas for ourselves. He was very friendly and handed us our winners certificate. We then mingled a bit more before gathering up our teddy bears and making our way back to the station. It was an exhausting but really enjoyable day. We even have lots of orders for keepsake bears to be made from school unifom and sports kit from the #sbs team!



We have lots of exciting plans for our handmade bears in 2014 and thanks to Theo Paphitas we have added support and advice at our finger tips.

How did it start?

tplFriends since their first children were born, Pru and Kathy are two mums whose children are now at secondary school. As a special keepsake Pru made each of her children a teddy bear out of their old school Blazers. Kathy loved the concept so they joined forces and Blazer Bear. was born.  Find out more

How does it work?

Whether it be a blazer, school uniform, rugby shirts, precious clothing babygros, the list is endless. Everything is lovingly handcrafted entirely from what you give us. If it is a group school order you are after, we can often source the fabrics and even incorporate a school emblem Find out 

© Blazer Bear | The Gables, Etherington Hill,  Speldhurst,  Kent TN3 0TN | Terms and Conditions | Email: by Redboat Design