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Handmade by Blazer Bear

Leavers 2016 Keepsakes

Posted on March 16, 2016 By Blazer Bear

Leavers 2016 keepsakes

The starts of 2016 has been our busiest year by far with orders for leavers 2016 keepsakes from a host of different s schools including as far afield as Scotland to Jersey!

For some schools the schools have provided their own uniform or items from the second hand uniform store. While for others we have sourced the fabric and made bears cut

from the roll . The sizes of keepsake bears have also varied with some loving the smaller bear and other wanting the larger more bespoke bear. However we always have a name tag

stitched to the back of each ear and each bear is a individual unique school momento.


This week we also delivered 25 Blazer Bears to Putney High School. They asked us to create 25 large unique keepsake bears for a charity event. Each table would have a different bear on

each table and the bears would be auctioned throughout the evening. Putney High School has a lovely purple and lilac uniform and we were sent various pieces of the uniform. Some summer dresses, sports skirt, sports tops, sweatshirts, shirts, jumpers and cardigans. We were able to utilise all the different pieces to create 6/7 different designs together with a label with the charity event and year depicted.




Each bears had a scarf and although we had a few personal favourites we thought they all looked gorgeous together and very striking in the purple, grey and white.


This week we have had quite a lot keepsake bears to make for children or teachers who are leaving school at the end of term, either due to moving or work. A few tight deadlines but we always try to ensure we can accommodate where we can. We have some wonderful machinists and hand sewers including Melanie, Kirsty and Tracy who are a godsend and always work longer to ensure these orders are fulfilled…we are so grateful!


Spring Fairs are starting and Sam, one of our very friendly fair helpers will be going to Westbourne House near Chichester and then we are also attending Abbotswood Road Street Spring Fair in London on April 23rd. As always we will bring a selection of bears to display with their school bear taking pride of place.


How did it start?

tplFriends since their first children were born, Pru and Kathy are two mums whose children are now at secondary school. As a special keepsake Pru made each of her children a teddy bear out of their old school Blazers. Kathy loved the concept so they joined forces and Blazer Bear. was born.  Find out more

How does it work?

Whether it be a blazer, school uniform, rugby shirts, precious clothing babygros, the list is endless. Everything is lovingly handcrafted entirely from what you give us. If it is a group school order you are after, we can often source the fabrics and even incorporate a school emblem Find out 

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